

Set R & D and create more systematic and service-oriented intelligent manufacturing

Global Manufacturing Rui Mai Machinery Chenguanglong Group


Man Wah has always been fully committed to its social responsibility as a promoter and innovator in the furniture manufacturing industry.

Man Wah is promoting the upgrading of China’s home furnishing brands and making every effort to build an integrated platform for the value chain of intelligent home furnishing products.

Bring galloping momentum to the development of the industry.

Global Manufacturing Technology

Man Wah always focuses on building a globally competitive product and industrial layout, and  carries out the integration of global high-quality resources actively by relying on the advantages of production and research and development of enterprises. In China, Man Wah Holdings owns five low-carbon environmental protection parks with more than 1.8 million square meters in Huizhou, Guangdong, Wujiang, Jiangsu, Wuqing, Tianjin and Jiangjin, Chongqing, and forms a good status of global production base layout, coordinated development, efficient distribution and rapid development with industrial parks in Pingyang, Vietnam, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and Ukraine. With advanced and refined management concepts, exquisite manufacturing processes and strict quality and cost control systems, Man Wah has been continuously awarded as one of the top 500 private enterprises in manufacturing industry and one of the top 100 private enterprises in Guangdong Province.